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Finally possible to earn Lucks

This new version brings a major feature: the ability to Get Lucks. There are two ways to get lucks which we will detail below.

The lottery
The lottery allows you to win between 1 and 1,000 Lucks with one click. You are guaranteed to win at least one Luck. You can play as many times as you want! An anti-robot confirmation is requested for each new draw in order to avoid robots making automatic draws. The probability of winning is calculated so as to give more often gains between 1 and 10 Lucks and more rarely gains greater than 10.

The proof of work
Proof of Work (sometimes referred to as mining) is proving that enough work has been provided by your computer to earn Lucks. For this your computer will have to solve a complex problem and will get a Luck in exchange of the solution. The difficulty of the problem is adjusted according to the computing power of your computer, so everyone can earn Lucks at the same speed. You will earn on average 1 Luck every 10 seconds without doing anything, your computer is working for you!

All the accounts were reset to 0 to remove the Lucks distributed arbitrarily during the testing phases. All beta user tests must now obtain Lucks through the proposed resources.

The next version delivered should focus on services for developers.